Travelling cross country in search of a target |
Internet Resources
My original webpage featuring painted wargaming and fantasy miniatures
Marui Tank Group
This Yahoo Group is the best Internet discussion site for Marui tank
owners. The members are knowledgeable and extremely helpful. Includes a Links page for places to purchase Marui tanks.
M1 Abrams Group
Another Yahoo Group for modelers scratchbuilding large scale Abrams
models. The files section has extensive M1A2 SEP images
Global Security. Org
Global Security's summary page on the Abrams Battle Tank
FAS. Org
The Federation of American Scientist's summary of the Abrams Battle
Major Rob's Motor Pool
Extensive reference photos "walk around" style of most major modern
US Army vehicles. Includes camoflague patterns, and interior views of vehicles. Invaluable to the military modeler.
The ARMOR Site
An excellent and up to date summary of the Abrams, similar to Global
Security and FAS
Features several galleries of Abrams reference pictures for modelers
IMPS London
This UK based Abrams enthuasist has reference pictures of the engine
1St Cavalry Division
The First Team's official homepage, DOD website