The following publications were invaluable in learning
about the Abrams Main Battle Tank:

Ordnance Special #9, Darlington Publications, Glen Broman
Black and white photos, line drawings from Abrams manuals, focus on eary model M1A2, and
late model M1A1 Abrams tanks with interior photos for modelers

Abrams Main Battle
Tank 1982-1992 New Vanguard # 2- Osprey Publishing, Steven Zaloga, Peter Sarson
Development history and battle accounts of the
M1A1 Abrams in Operation Desert Storm. Black and white photos, color plates

Abrams Company- Europa Militaria #28-
The Crowood Press, Hans &Erik Halberstadt
Full color photo essay of US Marine M1A1 tanks, and US Army National Guard M1 tanks.
Glossary of armor terminology and slang

Abrams, Mini Color Series- Concord
Publishing, Walter Bohm
Full color photo essay
with descriptions of Armor Regiments using M1A1 tanks. Aslo features 1/35 scale plans, color plates and photos of early M1A2
undergoing trials at NTC

CAV, a guided tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment- Berkley Books, Tom Clancy
Description of an Armored Cavalry Unit, its
equipment, combined arms tactics, and a recounting of the Battle of 73 Easting. B/W photos, and illustrations

M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, The Combat and Development
History of the General Dynamics M1 and M1A1 Tanks- Mil- Tech Series, Motorbooks Intl., Michael Green
Development history of the M1 and M1A1 tanks. B/W photos, line drawings from Abrams manuals,
and description of crew responsbilities

Abrams Main Battle
Tank, Warmachines #6 - Verlinden Publications, Francois
Verlinden, Willy Peeters, Patrick Cooney
Full color photo essay of M1, and early M1A1
Abrams. Line drawings from Abrams manuals

King of the Killing Zone-
W.W. Norton & Company, Orr Kelly
A journalist's look into the 20+ year development
of the MBT-70, XM803 and XM1 Abrams tank. Full of history from the the tank design team. This book explains how the designers
of the Abrams decided on using a gas turbine engine, Chobham armor, co-axial machine gun, ballistic computers, laser rangefingers
etc. 280 pages of text with a few small black and white photos. An absolute "must read" for those studying the Abrams tank

M1 Abrams in Action, Armor #26- Squadron/Signal
Publications, Jim Mesko
Early book with development history of M1, IPM1, M1E1, and early M1A1 Abrams. Color plates,
line drawings, B/W photos, written for the modeler

The M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, Vanguard #41-
Osprey Publishing, Steven Zaloga
Early book chronicling the development history of the XM1 and initial M1 Abrams tanks.
B/W photos, color plates, interior photos and descriptions