In 2003, Ensilion, the
factory that manufactured the M1A2 Abrams for Tokyo Marui released the tank for sale after obtaining a license for distribution
outside of Japan.
These tanks have been termed “Marui Export” by most retailers, to differentiate them from poor quality Hen Long
Abrams tanks.
To prepare it for international
sale, the instruction manual was (poorly) translated into English, FCC warning tags affixed to the transmitter, and the Tokyo
Marui logo removed from the box and all documentation.
The Marui Export M1A2 Abrams
has the same quality materials, components, and assembly found in original Marui labeled tanks. This is hardly surprising
since Ensilion is the manufacturer of both. The only feature that distinguishes an original Tokyo Marui Abrams from an Ensilion
factory product are small plastic plates that cover the Tokyo Marui logos found on the bottom of the tank hull, the transmitter
handle, and the sprue frames for the detail accessories. Ensilion factory “Marui Export” Abrams are available
in the original desert tan and three color NTC camouflage schemes. The box, packaging and transmitter are identical to Marui’s
with the exception of removed Tokyo Marui logos.
In 2004, the Hong
Kong based toy retailer, ToyEast began sales of the Ensilion factory “Marui Export” M1A2 Abrams under
their own label “VS-Tanks”. These also feature the same components, paint and assembly quality and function as
found in original Marui tank. This time, a “NATO” like camouflage is offered in addition to the two previous desert
and NTC camouflage. The NATO camouflage is correct in color, but uses the wrong
pattern. However, only Abrams enthusiasts will notice this error.
The ToyEast VS-Tank M1A2
has the “Export Abrams” English instructions, and a new yellow box with bolt head graphics similar to that of
the Marui Leopard 2A5 box. Yellow road warning stripes are painted on the hull corners, and optional markings are supplied
on shiny adhesive stickers. It also has the same dark metallic gray transmitter of the Marui Leopard. In addition, a plate
now covers the Marui logo inside the tanks commander’s hatch, something that was mistakenly forgotten on earlier “Marui
Export” Abrams.
ToyEast offers extra 27mhz frequency crystals, spare antennas, and rubber tracks on their website. If you can find
them, the Tokyo Marui separate ABS link tracks will fit perfectly on VS-Tanks Abrams. Ensilion factory Abrams are a great
way to obtain a quality product at discount prices.