Ultramarines Terminator Squad led by Captain Invictus. Invictus is my first ambitious conversion, using the plastic terminaor parts, metal bits, and sculpted details. Invictus was created as an answer to Ranulf, Kim Syberg's monstrous WolfLord conversion featured in White Dwarf Magazine #185. Most Marines in Terminator Armor are very static, standing tall, with weapons pointed foward. I wanted to create a Terminator with a very dynamic pose. To add more character to Invictus, I envisioned him to be tall and lanky. I lengthend the torso of the miniature and legs with epoxy putty, metal rod, sheet plastic, and plastic rods. A new helmetless head with a stern, and severe face was sculpted out of epoxy putty to better define his apperance. The Plasma-Blaster was made from 2 plastic Ork Plasma guns with guitar string for the cooling cables. A large base, representing crumbled masonary ensured Invictus will always tower over his opponents. This unit placed 1st in Best Warhammer 40K Squad at Games Day/Golden Demon 1998.