This Bretonnian Foot Knight was painted in the early morning hours before a major hiking trip in upstate New York. I painted this Knight to show a friend who isn't involved in the hobby how to layer highlights. The actual truth is that I was so excited about painting this particular miniature that I couldn't wait to get started, despite the 3 hour drive upstate before me! This miniature was sprayed with Krylon's Acrylic Gloss to prevent the metallic painted areas from tarnishing. The metal painted areas were then masked off with tape, and blue poster (Fun-Tac or Blue-Tac) putty, and the clothing was sprayed in a more realistic flat finish. As of now I'm still undecided on heraldry, but when I do, I'll paint a design on his cloak. |

Having painted mainly Space Marines, I found shading and highlighting large areas of clothing to be quite a challenge. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the painting this miniature, and will be painting more soon. The Bretonnian Foot Knight was painted in August 1997.